Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose (gah-rue-DAHS-anna) Garuda = the of the birds,” Vishnu’s car. The word is generally made into Language as “eagle,” though according to one dictionary the name basically means “devourer,” since Garuda was originally determined using the “all-consuming fire of the sun’s rays.”

Eagle Pose : Step-by-Step Instructions

Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose

  1. Stand in Tadasana. Bend your legs slightly, carry your left foot up and, managing on your own right foot, cross your left thigh within the right. Place your left feet toward a floor, click the foot back, and connect the base behind the low right calf’s top. Balance on the right foot.
  2. Extend your arms straightforward, parallel to the floor, and spread your scapulas wide across the back of the core. Cross the arms before your core so the right arm is above the remaining, then bend your arms. Warm the best elbow in to the left’s criminal, and raise the arms perpendicular to the ground. The shells of your fingers should be facing eachother.
  3. Push the proper hand to the hand and the right to the left, so that the palms are now facing eachother. The thumb of the proper hand should cross in front of the small finger of the left. Now click the palms together (as much as is achievable for you personally), raise your arms up, and grow the fingertips toward the limit.
  4. Keep for 15 to 30 seconds relax arms and the legs and stand-in Tadasana. Repeat for your same period of time with the legs and arms solved.

Eagle Pose Information

Sanskrit Name of Eagle Pose


Eagle Pose Level

Contraindications and Cautions
Students with knee injuries should avoid this pose, or perform only the leg position described in the Beginner’s Tip below.
Modifications and Props
Starting learners typically get the harmony within this cause very shaky. As with all position balancing poses, you need to use a wall to live and support your back torso while you’re learning how to balance.
Deepen the Pose
When you’re within the whole pose look at the thumbs’ recommendations. Typically the thumb guidelines point a little bit off to the arm’s side. Push top of the thumb’s mound to the bottom hand so they really place straight in the suggestion of your nose and change the thumb guidelines.
Eagle Pose Theraputic Applications
  • Asthma
  • Low backache
  • Sciatica
Preparatory Poses
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana
  • Supta Virasana
  • Supta Baddha Konasana
  • Upavistha Konasana
  • Virasana
  • Vrksasana
Follow-up Poses of Eagle Pose
Garudasana is generally sequenced nearby the end-of the standing offer string. The arm placement within the present is particularly helpful in training HOWTO widen the trunk body poses like Sirsasana and Adho Mukha Vrksasana. Other follow up poses might include:

  • Gomukhasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Vrksasana
Eagle Pose Beginner’s Tip
Beginners often find it difficult to put around the hands until the palms effect. Expand your arms easy, similar towards the floor, while holding onto the ends of a strap. Follow the rest of the directions reported instep 2 above and retain the strap taut between your hands. Newcomers also find it difficult to lift the lifted-leg foot behind the standing -knee calf, and then harmony about the standing base. As being a short-term choice mix the feet but, as opposed to hooking the raised base and leg, press the huge toe of the increased -leg foot contrary to the ground to help keep your balance.

Benefits of Eagle Pose

  • Strengthens and stretches the ankles and calves
  • Stretches the thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back
  • Improves concentration
  • Improves sense of balance

Variations of Eagle Pose

Here is a difficult variation of Garudasana. Right into a fold, exhale and lean your body in the present as defined above, pushing the arms from the leading-leg leg. Maintain for some breaths, then develop an inhalation. Repeat about the second part.